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- 2023-08-21Date of collection
- 2024-09-18Update date
- Site address:https://www.ytrefractory.com/productstags/applications-of-refractory-bricks-a-comprehensive-overview
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- Website description:Refractory bricks come in various compositions and shapes, each designed to meet specific requirements in different applications. Here are some common compositions and their corresponding applications:
1. Fireclay Bricks: Fireclay bricks are made from clay containing a high percentage of alumina. They have good thermal insulation properties and are used in applications such as fireplaces, chimneys, and residential furnaces.
2. Silica Bricks: Silica bricks are primarily composed of silica, which offers excellent resistance to high temperatures and thermal shock. They are commonly used in coke ovens, glass furnaces, and other environments where high-temperature stability is required.
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applications of refractory bricks