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- 2023-08-14Date of collection
- 2024-11-03Update date
- Site address:https://www.huanengfitting.com/products/adss-preformed-suspension-clamp.html
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- Website description:https://www.huanengfitting.com/products/adss-preformed-suspension-clamp.html
ADSS Suspension Clamp
Suspension clamps are also called fixture suspension or suspension fittings. According to the application, the suspension clamps are divided into ABC optical cable suspension clamps, ADSS optical cable suspension clamps, and overhead line suspension clamps.
Adss Suspension Clamp
ADSS Optical Cable Suspension Clamp
Suspension cleats for ADSS cables are also known as prefabricated suspension cleats. Prefabricated catenary clamps that function the same as ordinary catenary clamps are designed to suspend conductors or ground wires in a vertical direction.
Huaneng prefabricated suspension clamps are suitable for high voltage above 220kv. Unique features of prefabricated suspension clips:
Effective protection of conductors
Avoiding Electricity Waste Due to Corona
easy installation
Prefabricated suspension clamps are designed to protect ADSS (All Dielectric Self Supporting) cables from sloshing caused by wind currents. Suspended clamps are widely used in transmission lines, towers or power distribution systems.